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Spelling Words:
You can access our spelling words by going to or I will include them on this page.
Homework will be the same as before;
Monday: write the words 5 times each.
Tuesday: Write half of the list in question form.
Wednesday: Write the other half of the words into sentences.
Thursday: Write the words in ABC order and then write the list 3 times.
Sort 22:
1. prejudge
2. afterword
3. afternoon
4. postdate
5. preschool
6. aftershock
7. forerunner
8. afterglow
9. foreword
10. forearm
11. predate
12. aftertaste
14. aftereffect
15. foresee
16. foreshadow
17. postpone
18. forecast
19. postscript
20. postseason
21. forewarn
22. prepared
23. precaution
24. preoccupied
Mr. Meo
Oak Park
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