Our Academics
On this page you will find our academic requirements for the year. This will give you some insight into the upcomming school year.

The class will be using the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy program to enhacne our their reading skills. They will be working in groups on different books throughout the year.
They will be expected to read for a minimum of 30 minutes every night.

In science we will be learning about the:
Different states of matter
The ecosystems of the Earth
the Suns effect on the seasons

We will writing in every subjact so that every student has opportunity to explore their own writing abilities.
We will be practicing grammer skills everyday. The class will have fun writing different stories using differnt genres.

Social Studies
In Social Studies we will be learning about;
early American Indians
Early explorers
The original colonies
The American Revolution
The formation of our government

We will be working on the following
Place Value, Multiplication, and Expression
Divide Whole Numbers
Add and Subtract Decimals
Multiply Decimals
Divide Decimals
Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators
Multiply Fractions
Divide Fractions
Algebra: Patterns and Graphing
Convert Unitsof Measurement
Geometry and Volume